Monday, September 5, 2011

Eviction Notice

I am 39 weeks today, and with only 7 days left to go, I am officially putting this little girl on an Eviction Notice! I am so huge and clumsy and acutely uncomfortable. I feel like I'm having contractions all the time (I'm not really, of course, but am having pretty frequent Braxton Hicks). I can't get comfortable no matter what position I'm in. SO I'm really just ready to get the next part of this whole adventure....ready to change this inside baby to an outside baby.

So, Baby Girl, consider this your notice - you have 7 days to evacuate the premesis! :)

Of course, today is Labor Day...maybe she'll get the message and come on out today (keeping my fingers crossed on that one)

Tomorrow is the first official day of my Maternity Leave. I will be off work until the Monday before Thanksgiving. It was weird on Friday when I left to think that I don't have to go back for 11 weeks. This week I'm planning to get some rest and get the house cleaned up a bit and maybe do some scrapbooking. And hopefully get this baby out before her due date. I'm a punctual person, maybe she'll catch on.

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