Friday, April 15, 2011

Team Pink

It's a girl!

We had our ultrasound today. She had her little legs crossed at the ankles, but we still saw a good eyeful of her lady parts. Definately a girl. Ryan is already saying she is a "demure little lady" because her legs were crossed. She also waved at us.
Most importantly, there were no markers for any abnormalities and she is even measuring just 1 day behind my due date! My biggest wish was a healthy babe, and she certainly appears to be. We didn't get to see her face, but I'm just fine with given the good outlook she was given! :)

Friday, April 1, 2011

Not Just for Taxes. . . .

This year, I am SO looking forward to April 15th.

Not because this is the day federal income taxes are due. Mine have been filed for quite some time now.

This April 15th, I am scheduled for my Ultrasound! :)

I will be in my 18th week, and we will be learning the gender of the bubs. I am so excited it is only 2 weeks away!!!! I had resigned myself that I was going to have to wait until the end of the month.
What a great surprise for a Friday!~