Sunday, January 31, 2010

Random Thoughts on a Sunny Sunday

The sun is out today and that makes me happy.
Wednesday was payday. And I was ever-so-unhappy to learn that my taxes have been raised. Again.
I realize its a hot button issue, but of course that means I have the correct an opinion. For the sake of time and space I will summarize into the following points.
  • The rich should not be required to pay higher percetages of taxes. I fully support a standard tax percentage. Some argue that the rich should be required to pay more in order to support the poor on the argument that a society must have rich and poor in order to survive. But no incentive exists to inspire the poor to ever do anything for themselves. They can forever receive a free ride. There is no demand for them to ever pay back what they receive.
  • Those who do receive welfare, should be required to submit to regular drug tests. I am constantly frustrated to realize that many of those who are sitting at home *not working* that my taxes go to support are high on god knows what. It should not be profitable for any person to sit at home on substances and receive free money for doing nothing.
  • Food stamps should not be open ended. I believe that they should be used as vouchers rather than as free cash. It makes me ill to be behind someone in the supermarket who is purchasing filet, lobster, organic (read: 3x the price) vegetables and fruit, caviar....Food vouchers should entitle the bearer to staples like milk, bread, rice, peanut butter, lean protein, and baking basics (flour, sugar, etc). My vision would be to give a small amount of 'flex' vouchers to be used for special occasions like oreos, cake mix, doritos, and 'fun' food. Since food stamps are meant to be a help for moms to feed their kids, I am also a believer that the food stamp program should issue them to a specific person who must present a valid photo id to redeem them. I get so upset when I see food stampers selling them for half their value to receive cash to buy the unsupported items (read: liquor, beer, cigarettes.)

Additionally, I feel the need to mention that Cheyenne, Wyoming is quite a snooze. Though there were bedazzled boots all over town. The highlight of last week's trip included: 75 mph speed limits and utilizing a Drive Thru Liquor store. Amazing!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Today was a good day.

Today I wore a pair of pants that haven't fit since May.

And I've officially lost 11 pounds.

*happy dance!*

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A Nugget of Truth to Ponder

Haiti was rocked by a 7.0 magnitude earthquake last Tuesday. Today they experienced a 6.0 aftershock. The country is in ruins. Thousands have died; tens of thousands are injured; hundreds of thousands are homeless. My jr. high Youth Pastor and his wife, Mike and Missy Wilson, who were in the final states of adopting 5-year-old Haitin Tia. After a crazy week, they were able to bring her home to the States (with all her papers and documents!)

The web is covered with photos of orphans searching for food and water. Fake web sites have reproduced like baby bunnies promising to deliver truckloads of money to the devestated country. And most recently, (this has not yet been confirmed) a busload of Haitin orphans are scheduled to arrive in Indianapolis, and an open call has been put out for families who are interested in fostering or adopting them.

Those who know me already know that adoption is something that is very close to my heart. I have the utmost respect for anyone who tackles the crazy rollercoaster of foreign or domestic adoption.
Which brings me to my point.
(raise your hand if you were thinking 'Finally!')

So many people are going on and on about Saving the Haitin children- getting them food, water, and medicine, bringing them out of the slums and orphanages, fostering them, and adopting them.
Please don't misunderstand me. I am not meaning to diminish the needs that are prevalent in Haiti today. I simply cannot overlook the thousands of children in the US foster system. The thousands of children wishing, hoping, and praying that someone will want to love them.

Why is it that people are so moved to adopt now? Why aren't we always moved to adopt the thousands of children here?

I hope that we are not only moved to care for others after a disaster, but rather every day from now until all children in the US, and throughout the world are all in loving homes.

Monday, January 18, 2010


My husband thinks I need therapy.

I'm kind of wishing I could just disappear.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Crazy Bitch

But I suppose that's just life. Things should never stay the same for too long or I could actually be happy I will forget how to adapt, and not learn to be a better person with each change.

Things that are also Crazy this week:
  • 2 people at the office being let go unexpectedly this week
  • The irritating frustrating ridiculous infuriating Supreme Court trial against Proposition 8
  • My head and the thoughts inside of it
  • The women on The Bachelor
  • MY BESTIE IS GETTING MARRIED ON SATURDAY!! (this one is more crazy exciting though!)

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Long Weekend

Relaxation it at its greatest when I have an extra day or two off work.
I rang in the new year with my husband and some wonderful friends. We toasted cheap champaign at midnight. I took a wonderful nap on New Year's Day while Ryan watched football.

And I still have a whole weekend left.
Now that's what I'm talking about!!

In unrelated news, I caught a few hours of a Jennifer Aniston movie marathon on Lifetime.
She seriously has not been in a good movie. The Break Up came the closest, but was overshadowed by how terribly awful the rest of them are. Such a shame.

Wishing you and yours a blissfully Happy New Year!