Sunday, October 18, 2009

Tweet your little heart out

"I Enjoy a Good Tweet"
The cast of Seinfeld expounds on the latest Internet phenomenon.
By Frank Ferri

ELAINE and JERRY are standing around JERRY'S kitchen counter. GEORGE is sitting on the couch typing on a laptop.

JERRY: Again with the Twitter?
GEORGE: What? I can't tweet?
ELAINE: No one said you can't tweet.
GEORGE: Jerry did. Jerry's got a problem with my tweeting.
JERRY: Please, tweet away. Tweet all you want. Tweet your heart out.
GEORGE: I will. I enjoy a good tweet.
ELAINE: Fine, but d! on't you think it's a bit much with the tweets?
GEORGE: Who are you? The queen of tweets? I think I tweet the perfect amount.
JERRY: You know, you've got to have something to tweet about in order to tweet.
GEORGE: I got plenty to tweet about, baby!
JERRY: No, no you don't. You see, you have the Twitter account and the laptop. But you don't have anything worthwhile to tweet about. No job, no girlfriend, no …
KRAMER enters, nearly knocking over JERRY as he stumbles into the living room.
KRAMER: Giddyup. (Notices George.) What's with Poindexter on the laptop?
ELAINE: He's tweeting again.
KRAMER: My God! You're tweeting all over the place!
GEORGE: I tweet just as often as the next guy. No one stops George Costanza from tweeting!
KRAMER: I ever tell you about my friend Bob Sacamano? Tweeted way too much. (Getting animated.) Tweeted like there was no tomorrow!
KRAMER: (high-pitched) He's dead.
ELAINE: Death by Twitter?
KRAMER: You said it, sister.
JERRY: What's the deal with that 140-character limit, anyway? Like if it was 141, the Internet would break?
GEORGE: Ooh, that's good. Can I tweet that?