Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Surgical Musings

Today's surgery went well. I was quite nervous of course, because I do not like to go under general anestesia. But I woke up with no problems and am feeling much better than the last time I had surgery. I had a D & C today just over 6 weeks after giving birth to Nola. There was a 2cm piece of placenta that remained behind in my uterus. I had a pretty scary episode of bleeding over the weekend and went to the Doc on Monday. She did an ultrasound and scheduled me for surgery the next morning. I am now sitting on the couch after several naps pondering what I would like to eat next. I go back to work in less than two weeks, and I'm wishing it was later...or never. Guess we'll see how things pan out. In the mean time, I'm thankful I was still off when I had to have this surgery. And very thankful my husband was able to get a few days off work to take care of me and Nola.