Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Breakfast at TIffany's Blue Boxes of Rock and Roll with the Punches. BING! and decide.

Perhaps the information overload caused by the internet isn't always the best thing.

At least once a week someone asks me a question and reacts with mild shock and astonishment when I have the answer.
First, do you seriously have no general trivial knowledge?
Second, have you ever used Google before?

Setting up the right home page, and in less than 5 minutes, I know that today:
- It is 42 degrees outside.
- Sexual assaults are happening in airports courtesy of TSA officers, and people are getting mad and contemplating protests.
- Lindsey Lohan is now driving again. (seriously. WTF.)
- Handy tips on how I can make 26 different table centerpeices with pinecones and pumpkin vines.
- There's more fighting happening between the Koreas.
- The Pope has said HIV+ people can use condoms (random.)

While I've never been one for continuing higher education in the form of university, I do appreciate having some general knowledge and not presenting myself as an imbecile. Of course, anyone who knows me can also tell you I'm a news junkie.

Google has put the world at my fingertips. I can learn more in a couple hours than I learned in a year of college. So I have to agree with WebMD.com.
More Information.
Better Health.

Yes! Exactly. Empower the people to take a proactive role in their health.
Based on the level of knowledge possessed by some of the Doctors I've met, they could stand to check it out.

Alas, I have been informed that I am no longer permitted to visit the site.


So, one time I happened to think that a cold was Hepititis, and everyone is all up in arms saying I "overreact."


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