Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My Own Personal Brand of Patriotism

When I was in 5th grade I wrote an essay titled: "What Patriotism Means to Me" (I won $200 from the local VFW but that is not the point of this story) The idea of patriotism has always stuck with me, and I have found myself in several discussions on the definition of the word. Unfortunately, Mr. Obama does not seem to be too concerned with fostering a sense of Patriotism. As a side note, I will preface the following by saying I am neither Democrat nor Republican. If you must classify me, I would tend to land in most agreement with the Libertarians.

"Obama also said he could support a congressional investigation into the Bush-era terrorist detainee program, but only under certain conditions, such as if it were done on a bipartisan basis. He said he worries about the impact that high-intensity, politicized hearings in Congress could have on the government's efforts to cope with terrorism."

Right, because sooo many things in Washington are done on a completely "bipartisan basis." That plan isn't destined for failure or anything. . . .

I think my biggest concern does not echo Mr. Obama's. My biggest concern is what type of united front does our country show by launching investigations into the interrogation of the terrorists behind the 9/11 attacks?? What the hell are we doing wasting our time in this War on Terrorism if we're fighting among ourselves? Will every presidential term waste months of time scrutinizing and changing what the previous administration did? (To be fair, I am not solely refering to Mr. Obama's administration)

Personally, I don't see any type of interrogation techniques as torture. It's not like we rounded these guys up randomly, they attacked our Country, our Freedom, our Liberty, my Americans. Anything that poses a threat to My Americans should be dealt with in whatever way is the speediest and most efficient.

I was sitting in Chemistry class the day I heard that a plane was crashed into the World Trade Centers. And in my very limited (sorry, Dad!) grasp of Chemsitry, I did have a solution. Sand+Heat=Glass.

My view on the war? End things as quickly as possible with the lowest possible loss of American life.

What does Patriotism mean to me?
My Americans.
My Americans' Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness.

What does Patriotism mean to you?

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