Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Insanity: Doing the same things over and over while expecting a different result.

Getting frustrated with others, as I have done today during my 11 hour workday, when they consistantly do retarted things, that I then have to fix, does not necessarily make them insane.

Perhaps the insane one is the one who expects incompetant people to produce quality work even though, time after time, they give crap (and not only crap, crap full of mistakes). . . . yes, same thing over and over yet expecting a different result.

So today I have discovered that I am insane.

For those of you who don't know-
Incompetance: when you earnestly believe that you can make up for a lack of skill and intelligence by doubling your efforts. There's no limit to what you cannot do.


mumof2boys said...

I didn't know you were on blogger. Add actually I'll need to send you a request. I need your email address.

Sarah said...

You are crazy. But I still LOVE YOU!!! Hehe.