Saturday, May 22, 2010

Not alone.

Kind of miss it...

In other news, I have been getting some projects done around the house, and it makes me feel better to have a task at hand.
Today I re-stained the deck. It looks fantastic. I have a blister.

Now I'm just hoping that we can get the basement done asap! :)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

It's always darkest before it goes pitch black.

My boss told me in my performance eval today that I need to be more outgoing and interactive with people in the office.

So it's apparently not enough that I have no friends here.
I apparently have no legitimate business contacts either.

"Just talk to people more"

Awesome. And since that's so easy for me, I'll just plant a money tree in the backyard too.
 Then I won't have to work at all.
