Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Way I See It. #9

Steve McNair is dead.
Murder suicide along with his 20-something-year-old girlfriend.

Her family say she was so completely sure that McNair was leaving his wife to be with her.

She was spotted following Steve's "other" girlfriend (#2 for anyone who's lost count at this point)

Mac's best friend says that divorce *(yes, he was married) was the last thing on his mind.

The way I see it:

Men who are at home with their wives don't get shot by their girlfriends.

And another reason more people should practice fidelity.

Friday, July 10, 2009

I feel good. Thanks, creepy old man.

So yesterday I was laying out in the sun on my deck in my turquoise lawn chair, as I often do in the afternoons now. What can I say? Sunlight makes me feel so happy.
Of course, since it is summer, there is a contant stream of people driving by on their little golf carts. I usually pay them no mind, since I am resting and reading to my little heart's desire.

Well yesterday, this creepy old man was driving by on his little golf cart (we live on the green of the 14th hole of Saddlebrook golf course) and I hear a whistle. Well, since my dog is usually outside with me, and has discovered that she enjoys leaving the yard and leading me on a long chase while she runs along the creek, my head popped up and I saw the source of the noise.

A creepy guy. Sitting. In his golf cart. Staring at me.

"Thanks, Sugar. You made my day!"
And then he drove off.

Given my last post, the creepy old man made me feel pretty good about myself.